[Photo walk] Picnic at Coburg Lake Reserve

Nadia and I went for a picnic to Coburg Lake Reserve so, naturally, I took some photos :)

Reclining by the lake

Photo of two people in a park sitting on a wide, reclining bench with a small dog in their lap. The bench is facing part of a lake shore on which there are several birds, some of which are sitting on rocks in the water.

Keeping an eye out

Photo of a large, brown and white dog in a park. The dog’s leash is being held be someone seated behind a tree. The dog is looking at a couple of people with a small dog who are coming down the walking path towards it.

Ibis in flight

Photo of a white ibis (a type of bird) flying away from the photographer in a large park with a lake. The bird’s wings are pushing down to give it lift. Below this bird are several other birds, sitting on the grass.

You lookin’ at me?

Close up photo of three rock doves / common pigeons sitting on a rock wall, all of which are looking at the photographer.

Keeping an eye on the inquisitive human

Close up photo of two rock doves / common pigeons sitting on a rock wall, both of which are looking closely at the photographer.

Barbecue time at Coburg Lake Reserve

Photo of four people standing around several tables and a barbecue that have been set out in a large, grassy, public park with lots of large trees. A large volume of white, puffy barbecue smoke is blowing away from barbecue.