Insanity Works

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Eight bits and pieces

It is amazing how Penni always manages to distract me at just the right moment. This time its 8 things about yours truly. Yes, I know. Fascinating stuff, isn't it? But first, the rules:

  • each player lists 8 facts about themselves 

  • the rules of the game appear before the facts do

  • the player ends by tagging 8 people, which means listing their names and then going to their blogs to tell them that they've been tagged, then going back and commenting on their lists.

  1. Nothing in the world melts my heart faster than a dog. Big, little, puppy, grown up, recognizable breed, mutt, whatever. I go from a relatively articulate post-grad to a jibbering, cooing, baby-talking fool at the sight of a dog, regardless of where I am when I see it. People on the tram have been known to move away. 

  2. I hate wearing socks inside the house because they feel funny in my slippers and on the carpet. And they feel funny because I never had to wear any when my dog was alive - he had a habit of sitting under my chair or as close to me as possible, which made it easy for me to slip my feet under him when they got cold. German Shepherds beat socks any day.

  3. Some people's singing voices make the bones in my forearms itch. Their speaking voices are fine though.

  4. I remember the layout of every house I have ever lived in, except the one in Colombo because we left when I was only about 16 months old.

  5. I can understand more Turkish than my parents realize.

  6. I'm scared I won't be able to learn all the languages I want to learn.

  7. I'm afraid of medication and won't even take pain pills unless absolutely necessary.

  8. I love people who challenge gender/sexual identity because it just goes to show how artificial and socially constructed our concept of it is in the first place.

On to tagging. As it happens, I don't think I know enough people... Eunice and Ameel for starters. Miriam--or Nome, rather since he does the blogging. Roy, if he gets around to blogging. Sin and Kyla too, because I like them.